Can you tell we love learning?
Here's our shared list of professional development courses:
Appetite: How to Foster Hunger & Wean Kids from Tube Feedings
Melanie Potock & Holly Knotowicz
A Practical Guide to Managing Fussy Eaters
Dr Julie Cichero
ARFID: The Anxious Eater
Melanie Potock
A Sensory Motor Approach for Poor Diet Texture Progression
Debra Beckman
Circle of Security
Dr Kent Hoffman & Dr Glenn Cooper
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder CBT-AR for ARFID
Dr Kamryn Eddy & Dr Jennifer Thomas
Feeding Therapy: It’s Not Just about Swallowing
Melanie Potock
Grade the ASK : A Sensitive Strategy for Careful and Successful New Food Trying
Marsha Dunn Klein
Hanen It Takes Two To Talk
Infant and Neonatal Feeding
Dr Pamela Doddrill & Dr Kelly Weir
Mealtime Miseries
Elizabeth Clawson & Carol Elliot
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation of Swallow (NMES, or Vitalstim)
Paediatric Cervical Auscultation
Dr Julie Cichero
Paediatric dysphagia: The A-Z of the IDDSI Framework, fussy eating and medication administration in babies and children
Dr Julie Cichero
Pediatric Feeding Disorders and Anxiety: Don't Feed the Monster
Melanie Potock & Dr Jonathan Dalton
Dr Roslyn Ward
SENSE-ational Mealtimes
Gillian Griffiths
SOFFI®: Supporting Oral Feeding in Medically Fragile Infants
Feeding FUNdamentals
The Developing Brain
Nathan Mikaere Wallis
Tube Weaning
Dr Marguerite Dunitz-Scheer & Dr Peter Scheer
Videofluroscopy Swallow X-rays (Modified Barium Swallow, or Videofluroscopic Swallow Study/VFSS)
When Children Won’t Eat: Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders. Assessment and Treatment using the SOS Approach to Feeding
Dr Kay Toomey and Bethany Kortsha